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The books, the libraries, the writers born or lived here to discover Langhe, Monferrato and Roero

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Beppe Fenoglio

Beppe Fenoglio


Alba, 1 March 1922 - Turin, 18 February 1963. Writer, partisan, Italian playwright and translator. - The eldest son of three children, Beppe was born at dawn on March 1 1922 by Amilcare, Butcher boy of Socialist and follower of faithLeggi Tutto

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Giorgio Faletti

Giorgio Faletti


Asti, 25 November 1950 - , Comedian, Singer and Writer. Degree in law, He began his career as a stand-up comedian in the Milan Derby in the 1970s, at the same time as the stage of the local circulate Diego Abatantuono, Teo Teocoli, MassimoLeggi Tutto

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Le Brochure turistiche della Provincia di Asti

The tourist Brochure of the province of Asti

Tourist sites in the province of Asti ( and a.T. L. (, You can find all the brochures of tourist itineraries Langhe and Monferrato: Versione Italiana German Version

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il Pane



"Today it's easy to say bread, to paraphrase the famous book by Piero Califfi It's easy to say hunger. It 's so tied to the daily, so obvious your presence on our table there we almostLeggi Tutto

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Cesare Pavese

"Cesare Pavese"

Santo Stefano Belbo, Cesare Pavese Foundation, Piazza della Confraternita 1

Santo Stefano Belbo, 9 September 1908 – Turin 27 August 1950. Writer and poet, translator and essayist. All HIS BOOKS on AMAZON.IT He was born in Santo Stefano Belbo (CN), where his family, originally from Turin, spent the periodLeggi Tutto

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Il Golf in Piemonte

Golf in Piedmont


More than 40 clubs, strategically located on the entire regional territory, meet the needs of all golfers, from the novice to the most experienced. Five of the ten fields marked as the best in Italy from the most prestigious magazines belong to Piedmont.

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The God Buriun and the sacred Drink

You should know that the ancient Celts who inhabited the forests and valleys of Montferrat had many of. They were gods who ruled and forces of nature that surrounded them, they were the embodiment of elemental forces directing and influencingLeggi Tutto

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Decameron. Prima Giornata. Novella Quinta

Decameron. First Day. 5th Novel


The marquise of Monferrato, with a banquet of hens and graceful words, represses the insane love of the King of France. The novella told by Dioneo, first with a little shame stung the hearts of listening women Leggi Tutto

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Il Monferrato - di Gianluigi Bera

The Monferrato – by Gianluigi Bera


ALL HIS BOOKS ON AMAZON.IT …the elated of castella and vineyards wont of Aleramo… may seem trivial and obvious start talking of Montferrat from famous to Carducci, that by dint of repeating and trumpeted on every occasion hasLeggi Tutto

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Tradizioni popolari nella vecchia Asti - di Piera Pareti

Popular traditions in the old Asti – by Piera Pareti


(Translated from “Il platano”, Asti culture magazine, Asti, Year II Number 3 – May – June 1977, pages 31-37) We can give the term folklore the greatest possible extension and include in it the language, singing, theLeggi Tutto

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Impressioni d un viaggiatore del '700

Impressions of a traveler in the eighteenth century


Donatien Alphonse François, Marquis de Sade travel in Piedmont (“prison and writing”) (taken from:, written by Sergio Skep) “Un jeune homme d’une taille moyenne, assez rempli, cheveaux blonds, portant épée, vêtu d’un frac gris, culotte en soie couleur souci,Leggi Tutto

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