Cocconato d'Asti, every year, the fourth Sunday of September

The Palio degli Asini, disputed from the country, is preceded by a historical parade, in historical costumes, to represent the old legends linked to the medieval history of the place, When the accounts Rooted, powerful lords of this land and of broad surrounding domains, played an important role among the contentions of the Marquis of Monferrato, Asti and the Savoia. Tell the Chronicles of the time that a fire broke out in the Castle; to extinguish the flames the Cocconatesi began a generous Valley where column flowed a stream and, loading barrels d’ water on one of the donkeys, helped save the stronghold. Rooted indirono accounts so a tournament in the middle of which there was a race of donkeys with the prize the banner of the House.

To the winner goes the Palio, a golden satin drape with the insignia of the Radicati. At last came the saracca (anchovy) that becomes the occasion to celebrate next year, hoping that the fate the entrusts to another village.

Donkeys are not ridden but simply encouraged to run by six foot soldiers for every village.

The palio originates in 1970 as a challenge between the villages of the country and

Historical parade
At 10.00 from the Field to the Church for the solemn mass with blessing of the Banners of the hamlets

Historical Parade
At 15.00

the race
At 17.00

Polenta for losers and winners
At 19.00 under the canopy

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