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Costigliole d'Asti

«Lying back Costigliole
in and around a small hill of conical shape,
on the top of which is the massive square Castle in excellent condition,
flanked by four large round towers>/em>»
(Gian According To De Canis, Corography Asti, (II), 44 v. Asti 1815)

Situated between the valleys of the Tanaro and the Talat, the territory of this municipality has agricultural and wine-producing vocation: Barbera Doc and the exquisite the square pepper of Motta his flagships.

The village is dominated by the majestic Castle, where lived famous characters, as the Marquis Filippo Asinari and the Countess of Castiglione (Virginia Oldoini). Inside is housed theICIF (Italian Culinary Institute for Foreigners) where chefs from all over the world, learn from prestigious teachers the secrets of Italian cuisine.

A few miles from Costigliole southbound, in the locality of Burio, you will find the Burio Castle.

Among the artistic, in addition, the Parish Church of our Lady of Loreto, in the heart of the old country. Documented since the 14th century, It was rebuilt in the early years of the 800 for purchasers of Asinari di San Marzano. Among the nineteenth-century furniture stands the high altar in polychrome marbles, created from designs of Juvarra.

Within the Confraternity of Saint Jerome, also known as of Battuti Bianchi You can admire the suggestive Museum of sacred art.

The spearhead of Costigliole d'Asti is in the basement of City Hall where you will find the Municipal wine cellar, that offers local producers, focusing on Barbera d'Asti, to whom is dedicated a small museum.

Loreto (Lakhani) is a village located between Costigliole and stream Tinella, southbound. The place, full of history, has always been at the center of stories legendary, as part of its ancient origins. The first legendary Loreto claims make it even be traced back to one of the first places inhabited by the sons of Noah After the flood. According To Quintino Sella, Loreto was already in 967 the Aleramici Brand. After the death of Aleramo his fiefs passed to descendants and the fief of Loreto, the name probably derives from a mass of lauri, It fell finally to famous Marquis Bonifacio del Vasto, grandnephew of Aleramo, that left it to his son Odo. These remained childless, the Committee of Loreto was divided among the grandchildren, including in particular Manfredi Launches, a younger son of the ancestor of the marquesses of Busca. Manfredi had earned the nickname “Launches” taking the Emperor's lancifero service Frederick Barbarossa. In the 1231, during a visit to Northern Italy, Frederick II fell in love Bianca Lancia and from this Union was born Manfredi, also mentioned by Dante in the Divine Comedy: «Blonde and beautiful and gentle appearance… The son of Constance Manfredi niece Empress» (Purg. III )
The dispute lasted until 1255, when, After the death of Frederick II, the Asti recovered the Castle and destroyed it entirely, transposing the residents in the nearby village of Costigliole. Loreto is a small hamlet consisting of some 40 rural homes, distributed around the little church dedicated to the Madonna Lauretana. The destruction did not leave no trace, except two small slabs of marble in the celestial Church, on which are carved a Roman Cross and a Benedictine monk.

Events at Costigliole d'Asti

At 15 km far from Asti and 24 by Alba

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Castello di Castelnuovo Calcea

Castelnuovo Calcea Castle

Open all year ’. Free guided tours: 3 August, 7 September, 28 September . The visit to the Castle along the outer perimeter. What remains today

Calici di Stelle*

Goblets of Stars*

10 July, throughout Italy, the traditional summer appointment devised by the Movimento Turismo del Vino I, including to Bacchus, in one of the most suggestive nights

Ruchè sotto le stelle*

Ruchè under the stars *

The 10 August in historic Castagnole Monferrato with the unmistakable landscape wall, traditional wine tasting Ruché, with dancing and entertainment,

Immagine Non Disponibile

Antique market

The 15 August, every year, in Castelnuovo Don Bosco 200 stalls along the streets of the village attracts many lovers of antiques and collectibles.

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