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The bonèt [bu ' nɛt] is a characteristic pudding sweet, done with amaretti (macaroons), cocoa, eggs and caramel, by ancient tradition, typical of Piedmont.
Piedmontese language the word bonèt indicates a rounded Hat, whose shape resembles that of a truncated cone where the pudding is cooked. In fact copper mould in which you cooked the pudding and the flan, It was called bonèt ëd cusin-a i.e. cooking Hat, Chef's hat (the interpretation given by the Piedmont/Italian vocabulary of Vittorio di Sant'Albino of 1859).
According to another interpretation found in Langhe, It is thought that the name recalled the hat because the cake was served at the end of the meal. As you are wearing the hat Lastly before going out, so you ate the last bonèt before finishing the lunch or dinner: to cap everything else.

The traditional bonèt is said to monferrina has no cocoa or chocolate, but only eggs, milk, sugar and amaretto. Several documents of minor courts of Piedmont as sweet or very close relatives were already in the traditional banquet XIII century. With the entrance, rich in kitchens, of new ingredients from South American colonies the cake began to introduce the variant with which today we know: the one with chocolate. In this capacity, dark and strong taste, is often presented with a whole macaroons decoration on top. The spread of sweet helped the massive presence on the Piedmont of almond and hazelnut. In some provincial variations, We use cookies and hazelnut almond not. Other variations include the addition of coffee addiction, cognac instead of rum, and the type of nuts tonda gentile delle Langhe, the Piedmont is manufacturer and exporter.


  • 4 eggs
  • 6 tablespoons caster sugar
  • half a litre of milk
  • 50 grams of coarse semolina macaroons
  • 2 tablespoons bitter cocoa powder
  • 2 tablespoons of rum

After I banged the eggs in a bowl, join 4 tablespoons sugar, cocoa, the finely crumbled macaroons with hands, the rum and milk. Mixed everything with the help of a whip, preparing caramel.
Get hot 2 tablespoons sugar in a small pan until becomes blond color-hazelnut cream, It sprays a little water making racy and sugar blends. Pour the caramel thus obtained into a mold, that was kept warm for easier scrolling, so that veils the bottom and walls.
The cooled caramel, pour the mixture into the mould and bake in the oven, previously heated to 180° C, in a water bath for 45 minutes.
When the mixture is thoroughly clotted, you leave cool the mold and then arises, before serve it upside down on a serving platter, in the refrigerator for 2/3 at.

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